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Programs as of January 7, 2022 (social post)

With the recent extension of public health restrictions and online learning for Island students I want to remind residents of Cornwall - Meadowbank that there are a variety of supports available to Islanders:

Child care support for children and families:
- Provides $125 per week for school-aged children requiring child care
- Provides $125 per week for 0-4 year olds who are negatively impacted by current public health restrictions and their regular childcare arrangements are not accessible

Modified School Food Lunch Program:
- Provides three reheatable meals per child delivered Island-wide
- Upcoming delivery dates: January 11 & January 14

PEI Emergency Payment for Workers:
- Provides a one-time $500 payment to impacted workers who lost 25% or more of their scheduled work between December 17, 2021 - January 17, 2022

Emergency Income Relief for Self-Employed:
- Provides reimbursement of loss in revenue up to $300 per week for those who are self-employed
- This program was recently extended until January 15, 2022

COVID-19 Special Leave Fund:
- Reimburses employers or self-employed Islanders without paid sick leave
- Employee/Individual who missed less than 50% of schedule time in a one-week period and do not quality for federal benefits

Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit:
- Provides $300 per week for those who had a 50% reduction in average weekly income

Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit:
- Provides $500 per week for those who are unable to work because they must care for their child under 12 years old

Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit:
- Provides $500 per week who are unable to work because they are sick or need to self-isolate due to COVID-19

Operational Support Program for Community Halls, Rinks and Curling Clubs:
- Provides up to 80% of the estimated operating expenses between January 1, 2022 and March 31, 2022 up to $2,500 per organization

If you are in isolation and need support with food, prescriptions, pick-ups, or anything else you are encouraged to call 2-1-1 and a member of their team will help connect you with community or government supports to assist you.  

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